What the Graduate Program offers

What does the program offer for graduates?

The Lifeview Graduate Nursing program offers a full-time job placement for 12 months at a Lifeview home and includes:

  • A comprehensive orientation program

  • A supportive environment to gain experience in an aged care setting

  • A smooth transition from student to graduate, leading to increased career satisfaction and better resident care, consolidating knowledge and skills into clinical practice

  • An understanding and awareness of the ageing process and associated disease processes

  • Opportunities to gain comprehensive clinical experience (clinical leadership and governance skills)

  • Organisational and prioritisation skills

  • An understanding of clinical risk management and prevention

  • An understanding of aged care legislation and accreditation requirements

  • An education program to support in developing skills and knowledge of the aged care sector

  • Regular feedback throughout the graduate program

  • Support and guidance from the senior clinical team and educators

  • Assessment, analysis, critical thinking, and decision-making skills

  • Multi-disciplinary team liaison strategies, including Housemates (aged care workers) and other health professionals

  • Ability to engage and mentor staff (supervision and delegation skills)

  • Communication, advocating and counselling skills to work with older people and their families


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