Graduate Program Structure

Program structure

The program is structured across three stages to support graduates ease into a rewarding career in nursing.

Stage 1 : Transition

A structured ‘on-boarding’ and buddy program led by experienced Lifeview staff, managers, and educators. 

Graduates will be working in a supernumerary capacity to build team leadership capabilities, clinical skills, and overall confidence within the workplace.

The Education Manager will provide 1:1 coaching where required.

Duration: 1 week






Stage 2 : Support

Graduates move into the team leadership role with workplace mentoring and support. Regularly contacted by the Lifeview education manager, who will check progress and provide advice and support, as needed.

The education manager and local management will provide constructive feedback and improvement strategies and if necessary, support with further mentoring and/or 1:1 coaching.

Duration: 2 weeks




Stage 3 : Consolidation

In the final stage of the program graduates will be working in the team leadership role with less frequent contact with the Lifeview education manager. During this phase, local mentors such as team managers will be the primary support mechanism.

Graduates will also participate in Lifeview’s structured education programs, peer support programs and attend organisational meetings that are relevant to the role.

Duration: 45 weeks






What happens at the end of the program?

At the conclusion of the 12 month program successful graduates may be offered an ongoing full or part-time position with a Lifeview home. 

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