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Frequently asked questions

See below for frequently asked questions. And if you cannot find the information you are looking for, hit the contact us button and we’ll get back to you asap.
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Yes, you can. Lifeview is proudly pet-friendly. Pets are family and many older people see their pet as a vital part of their life. We understand that moving into aged care is a big enough change already without losing a beloved pet. Many aged care homes do not allow pets, we believe in keeping people and their pets together.

Residents are responsible for feeding their pet and changing the pet’s water, cleaning a cat’s litter tray and taking their dog for a walk.

If you have questions relating to living with your pet at Lifeview, please raise these with our friendly placement consultant.

We are happy to wait list you for one of our homes but cannot give any guarantees or dates of availability. To wait list for one of our homes you must have completed the relevant documentation at Question 4.

Once you have wait-listed we will keep in touch with you about your changing needs and/or availability.

Please note: Beds are allocated on several factors, not on time on wait list.

Invoices are issued monthly and include your daily fees for the current month and any additional fees (including Refundable Accommodation Deposit interest where applicable and Additional Services fees) incurred during the previous month.

Payment of the fee is via direct debit on or around the 15th of each month. Direct debit means the invoice amount will be automatically withdrawn from your nominated bank account.

How much you could be asked to pay towards your accommodation costs will depend on your financial situation. You may be asked to pay only part of or no accommodation costs.

The Australian Government will assess your income and assets and then advise you and Lifeview if you can be asked to pay towards your accommodation costs.

If Centrelink determines you can pay a RAD or DAP, you will need to discuss this with Lifeview as each home has its own pricing structure.  Your Centrelink Income and Assets Statement does not determine the amount of RAD or DAP you may need to pay, only your requirement to pay one.

If you are required to pay for your accommodation, you have a choice in how you pay. You can use a:

  • lump-sum payment, called a ‘refundable accommodation deposit’
  • regular rental-type payment called a ‘daily accommodation payment’, or
  • a combination of both.

If you are required to pay an accommodation payment, you will have 28 days from the day you entered care to decide on your payment method.

Until you decide on your ongoing payment method, you will need to pay your accommodation costs by rental-type 'daily accommodation payment'.

If you choose not to undergo an Income and Assets Assessment, you will not be eligible for any Australian Government assistance towards your aged care home costs. This means we may ask you to pay the full cost of your care and the maximum accommodation payment.

Refundable Accommodation Deposit

If you choose to make your payment as a lump sum, this is called a ‘Refundable Accommodation Deposit’. A Refundable Accommodation Deposit works like an interest-free loan to an aged care home. The balance of the deposit is refunded when you leave the aged care home less any amounts you have agreed to have deducted.

Daily Accommodation Payment

Instead of paying for your accommodation as a lump sum you can choose to pay as periodic payments. The amount you pay is based on a daily rate, which is why this type of payment is called a Daily Accommodation Payment. However, you will pay in instalments up to a month in advance, as agreed with your service provider. Daily Accommodation Payments, unless you have paid in advance, are not refundable if you leave the aged care home.

Using a combination of a RAD and a DAP

You can choose to pay for your accommodation as a part lump-sum Refundable Accommodation Deposit and part rental-type payment known as Daily Accommodation Payment. After your lump-sum has been deducted from the full amount your DAP will be calculated.

Please note – A Daily Accommodation Payment may be deducted from a Refundable Accommodation Deposit balance to meet the agreed Accommodation Payment.

All Lifeview residents are charged a daily care fee (set by the Federal Government), some are required to pay a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or a combination of both.

Examples of RAD and DAP amounts accepted at each of our homes are outlined on each residence page on this website (check out Our Homes for this information).

Daily fees are as follows:

  1. Basic daily care fee as prescribed by the Department of Health.
  2. Means-tested care fee based on your assets and income as determined by Centrelink. This test applies all who are seeking residential care, both pensioners and non-pensioners, and is carried out by Centrelink. Centrelink of will advise you of the amount payable. This fee will be readjusted should there be any subsequent change to your financial status. Lifeview is required to collect this fee on behalf of the government. For further information please contact Centrelink.
  3. Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD), a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or a mix of both, for residents with income and assets above a threshold amount. The RAD and/or DAP amount is based on an assessment carried out by Lifeview. There may be taxation and pension advantages in paying a RAD. It’s best to seek financial advice before deciding. If you wish, we can provide you with a list of financial advisors who specialise in aged care.
  4. Refundable Accommodation Contribution (RAC), a Daily Accommodation Contribution (DAC) or a mix of both, for residents with assets and income that fall between the fully supported and RAD threshold amount. The RAC and/or DAC amount is based on an assessment carried out by Centrelink.
  5. Additional Services Fee covering a suite of services and amenities provided to all residents in addition to Lifeview's award winning lifestyle and care programs.

Please note: Prudential arrangements by the Department of Health govern the management of Refundable Accommodation Payments by approved providers. The prudential arrangements are complemented by a scheme to guarantee the payment of Refundable Accommodation Deposit balances if an approved provider becomes bankrupt or insolvent.

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives someone else (the attorney) permission to make financial and medical decisions on your behalf. You can get advice about preparing a Power of Attorney from a solicitor, a community legal centre, a state trustee company or your local magistrate's court.

Before you move into one of our residences you will need to provide the following:

  • Aged Care Client Record (ACCR) or reference code for Lifeview to access
  • Lifeview Personal and Significant Details Form
  • Combined Assets and Income Assessment
  • Signed Lifeview Resident and Accommodation Agreement
  • Completed Lifeview Direct Debit Authority

The Aged Care Client Record is a requirement under the Aged Care Act. It details requirements for assistance and care, and sets out whether a person needs low care, high care or dementia specific care. You can apply for an assessment via or if you are in hospital, a social worker or doctor can organise it for you.

Lifeview collects your important details via its Personal and Significant Details form. This form must be completed before an agreement can be entered.

The Combined Assets and Income Assessment will determine your fee structure under the Aged Care Act. This form can be accessed through the Department of Human Services – we strongly recommend you start this process as early in your journey as possible, you can apply for this assessment even if you are not yet ready to enter care.  A copy of the final assessment needs to be made available to Lifeview.

You can download the Request for a Combined Assets and Income Form here.

All residents must sign a Resident Agreement before they move into one of our homes. A Residential Manager can provide you with this agreement for review.

Lifeview’s preferred method of payment is Direct Debit.  A Direct Debit Authorisation Form needs to be completed before moving into a Lifeview home. This form will be provided with the Resident and Accommodation Agreement.

The Rainbow Tick is a quality framework that helps health and human services organisations show that they are safe, inclusive and affirming services and employers for the LGBTIQ+ community.

The Rainbow Tick standards, owned and developed by Rainbow Health Australia, are designed to build lasting LGBTIQ+ inclusion.

Accreditation is provided through independent assessment, provided by Quality Innovation Performance and Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.

Lifeview was the first private aged care provider to receive Rainbow Tick accreditation.

Our commitment to providing inclusive aged care, education and guidance to older members of the LGBTIQ+ communities is enshrined in our strategy, and our people – residents and staff – are proud allies of the LGBTIQ+ community.

Further information about aged care can be obtained from your local doctor, hospital, health centre, My Aged Care and the Aged & Community Care Information Line (phone: 1800 500 853).
